
As an R user, have you ever thought about what kind of information is hidden behind the numbers of downloads for R and R-packages? Why would there be an abnormal download volume? When choosing which package to use, we likely often tend to use popular ones. But what kind of packages are popular? And what factors can be linked to the popularity of an R-package? I propose those are questions as those most R users will be curious about. Therefore, based on the existing findings, this report attempts to provide answers and directions of enquiry towards the above questions, by taking an exploratory data analysis approach.

This report is written as part of the ETC5543 research project, supervised by Drs Emi Tanaka and Hien Nguyen. Due to the limitations of my programming ability, I encountered some obstacles during this research. But this is also a very precious opportunity for me to cultivate my research thinking and improve my confidence in coding.

I would like to express my very great appreciation to Drs Emi Tanaka and Hien Nguyen for their valuable and constructive suggestions during the planning and development of this research work. As my supervisors, their patient guidance, enthusiastic encouragement and willingness to give their time so generously have been very much appreciated. And my special thanks are also extended to Drs Emi Tanaka and Hien Nguyen for their generous help on writing. I would like to also thank Professor Rob J Hyndman, for holding meetings every two weeks to give us recommendations.

I hope you enjoy your reading.